The Other Kind of App
It wasn’t something I downloaded. There were no electronic gadgets involved, only a pen and paper. On it, I wrote down Z’s name, her birthday. I circled eight adjectives that Husband and I thought best...
View Article17 Days
On August 22nd, I hope to begin a new morning routine. It will go something like this: 6:30. Start to wake up. 7:00. Be out of bed (or else). Begin fixing breakfast. 7:45. Finish eating breakfast (at...
View ArticleZ Goes to School
“I don’t want to tell you about that right now.” That’s what she tells me when I pick her up at school and ask what she did. That and, “Later. I’ll tell you a tiny little bit later.” If preschool’s...
View ArticleRandom Bits
No energy – sick with a cold. So let’s do a Friday Five. Z’s Great Grey Owl costume turned out really well! Husband did the feathers for the mask, I did hours of sewing for the cape o’ feathers, and...
View ArticleI Kinda Miss the Little Monster
It’s been said before. In fact, I say it all the time: Absence makes the heart grow fonder. And I know I just dreamed of quiet, with lots of time to myself, the kind I used to have B. Z. (Before Z)....
View ArticleAgain with the random bits.
I am topic-less. So. Once again, a Friday Five! 1. Pregnancy update. I can feel the baby move now, and I’m getting BIGGER and BIGGER. I see the size as a mixed blessing. On one hand, being humongous...
View ArticleThe Whoofles (pl.)
The Whoofle (singular) looks a little like an armadillo, according to Z. She is, thus far, the only one to have any knowledge of the Whoofle. She’s quite afraid of it. She worries about it eating her...
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